Monday, January 19, 2009

The bush hogging of the field is now complete, and it makes it look so much bigger! Yes I have my work cut out for me, as Mr. Wilson (the man I've contracted to do tractor work) was quick to point out. How exciting.

Another exciting thing - this weekend I will be attending the Southern Sustainable Agriculture Working Group's annual conference! I'll be heading down early to take part in a day and a half long workshop with Alex Hitt of Peregrine Farms in Chapel Hill on Financial and Business Planning for Farmers. I'm going to the conference on a new farmer scholarship, and thanks to I have secured a free place to stay.

It's been really cold so Mr. Wilson hasn't been able to come back to turn-plow. Hopefully next week...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
Have you seen this?
Quite a community of blogging WNC farmers out there ....
